Azok számára, akik az adatvédelemmel nemcsak mint jogi kérdéssel foglalkoznak, hanem érdeklődnek filozófiai, szociológiai, informatikai vetületei iránt is, ajánlom figyelmükbe a Nyílt Társadalom Archívum (Open Society Archives) saját könyvtárának – bevallom, nem véletlenül létrejött – különgyűjteményéből az alábbi műveket:
Computers, surveillance, and privacy / David Lyon and Elia Zureik, editors. Minneapolis, MN ; London : University of Minnesota Press. 1996. 285 p. ISBN 0-8166-2653-7 [With name and subject indexes.]
The electronic eye : the rise of surveillance society / David Lyon. Minneapolis, MN : University of Minnesota Press. 1994. 270 p. ISBN 0-8166-2515-8 [Includes bibliographical references and index. First published in 1994 by Polity Press in association with Blackwell Publishers.]
Ethnic monitoring and data protection : the European context / ed. by Andrea Krizsán. Budapest : Central European University Press ; INDOK Human Rights Information and Documentation Center. 2001. 289 p. (CPS books ; ISSN 1587-6942, 1) ISBN 963 9241 35 0
Legislating privacy : technology, social values, and public policy / Priscilla M. Regan. Chapell Hill ; London : The University of North Carolina Press. 1995. 310 p. ISBN 0-8078-2226-4 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]
Philosophical dimensions of privacy : an anthology / Edited by Ferdinand David Schoeman. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 1984. 426 p. ISBN 0-521-27554-7 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]
The politics of privacy / by James Rule, Douglas McAdam, Linda Stearns and David Uglow. New York, NY ; London ; Scarborough, Ont. : New American Library. 1980. 212 p. (A Mentor book) [Includes appendix, bibliographical references and index.]
Privacy and freedom / Alan F. Westin. Foreword by Oscar M. Ruebhausen. New York, NY : Atheneum. 1967. 487 p. [Includes bibliographical references and index.]
Privacy and social freedom / Ferdinand David Schoeman. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 1992. 225 p. (Cambridge studies in philosophy and public policy) ISBN 0-521-41564-0 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]
Privacy on the line : the politics of wiretapping and encryption / Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau. Cambridge, MA ; London : The MIT Press. 1999. 346 p. ISBN 0-262-04167-7 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]
Protecting privacy in surveillance societies : the Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, France, Canada, and the United States / David H. Flaherty. Chapel Hill ; London : The University of North Carolina Press. 1989. 483 p. ISBN 0-8078-4352-0 [Includes bibliographical references and notes.]
Technology and privacy: the new landscape / edited by Philip E. Agre and Marc Rotenberg. Cambridge, MA ; London : The MIT Press. 1998. 325 p. ISBN 0-262-01162-X [Includes bibliographical references and index.]
Visions of privacy : policy choises for the digital age / edited by Colin J. Bennett and Rebecca Grant. Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press. 1999. 288 p. ISBN 0-8020-8050-2 [Includes bibliographical references and index.]
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